How to Choose Carpets
05/05/2015 Back To Blog
There are many reasons for choosing carpet flooring solutions. It's not only the soft touch under your feet or the luxurious looks but also the warmth and good noise isolation they provide. Though, you must not underestimate the importance of carpet cleaning and the level of difficulty when you must maintain unsuitable types of carpets in the bathroom. There is a reason why there are many solutions among carpet types and they give you the chance to make the perfect choice for the kitchen, living room, bedroom or even the garden. The point is to perform a thorough research and choose in terms of your needs before you turn to aesthetics. This way, you will enjoy them more and carpet maintenance will be much easier.
6 carpet solutions
Carpet types are related with their fibers. Some are perfect for high traffic areas and will make stain removal easy since they are highly stain resistant. Some are perfect for outdoors and some ideal for living rooms. Therefore, you must take a decision when you are interested to install a carpet in your kid's room, the office or the sitting room.
* Berber carpets are made of polypropylene/olefin fibers, which are highly resistant to water, sunlight, bleaches and stains. They are ideal for most areas including basements, bathrooms and all high traffic areas. Your life will be extremely easy when it comes to commercial or residential carpet cleaning
* Frieze options have slightly twisted fibers and this makes this choice extra durable for high traffic areas. The fibers are cut and twisted and manage to keep that shape for a long time. Thus, they are very strong and resistant
* Texture carpets have fibers of different heights. They are slightly twisted but not as much as frieze ones, but they create a resistant and fluffy surface. Consequently, vacuum marks, dirt and footprints are hidden. That doesn't diminish the need of office or house carpet cleaning but this option won't give you headaches either.
They are ideal for high activity rooms
* Plush carpets – like Saxony – are the most elegant choice for living rooms and bedrooms. Just like texture types, these fibers are twisted just enough to be resistant and they are the softer solution for under your feet
* Pattern carpets have loops shorter than the cut piles in order to give the impression of certain patterns. They hide footprints and make cleaning easy
* Some commercial and outdoor options are made of synthetic fibers, which are looped at exactly the same height and dense enough to be ideal for outdoors, lobbies and high traffic areas where outdoor andcommercial carpet cleaning must be fast and easy